Silicon Photonics Research in Japan
Dr. Daoshe Cao
University of Tokyo, Japan
Silicon photonics has a potential as a more efficient and lower cost on-chip optical solution for high density data communications and sensing technology. It is expected that a successful monolithic integration of silicon based photonic devices and microelectronic devices will lead to a significant "micro optoelectronics revolution". This presentation will start with the recent development in silicon based photonic devices and efforts in large scale integration, and then followed by the silicon photonics research activities, including devices and applications in Japan. I will talk about another research project in our group, such as 1D, 2D photonic crystal nanocavity coupling with quantum dot, quantum dot solar cell, Air-gap VCSEL structure, and so on.
Brief CV of Daoshe Cao
Received PhD degree from Shizuoka University,
Japan, in 2010.
From 2005 to 2010,
Majoring in fabricating IV-VI semiconductor with
high zee- beck coefficient in short period super
lattice for thermoelctical devices of vehicles,
and for Mid-infrared laser and detector device.
2010~, research on silicon-based three-dimensional photonic crystal nanocavity laser with InAs quantum dot gain material in Arakawa Lab @University of Tokyo as a special researcher.