11月3日下午3点,电子工程系学术报告《Learning Non-IID Data》

Learning Non-IID Data
悉尼科技大学高级分析研究所(Advanced Analytics Institute)所长
Big data is becoming a big thing for theoretical and technical innovation and for bigger business, smarter decisions, and bigger economic and social value. A critical question to ask is “If big data analytics is different from what we have been doing for data analytics in the past decades, what are the fundamental practical and theoretical challenges?” While there may be many aspects to be discussed to address such a basic question, in this seminar, we specifically discuss the inbuilt characteristics of big data and its critical challenge to existing learning foundation, i.e. iidness learning and non-iidness learning. Two of fundamental challenges in big data analytics are Heterogeneity and Couplings. Such heterogeneity and couplings fundamentally challenge the classic IIDness foundation in statistics, data mining and machine learning etc. As a result, most of existing algorithms and approaches may not work for big data. This forms the need of Non-IIDness Learning. On the basis of addressing the limitations of existing IIDness-based analysis, mining and learning, we introduce an extended information table based framework for non-IIDness learning, followed by exemplar techniques and case studies for object relation analysis, such as non-IID clustering, document analysis, behavior analysis, and recommender systems. 
Papers related to this seminar and slides can be downloaded from:
操龙兵教授先后获得中科院模式识别与人工智能博士,悉尼科技大学计算科学博士。澳大利亚悉尼科技大学工程与信息技术学院教授、悉尼科技大学高级分析研究所(Advanced Analytics Institute)创所所长。IEEE数据科学与先进分析学专委主席,IEEE行为、经济与社会文化计算专委主席,ACM SIGKDD澳新分会主席,澳洲资本市场联合研究中心数据挖掘方向研究带头人, IEEE数据科学与先进分析学大会发起人;IEEE计算机分会,系统、人与控制分会以及计算智能分会高级会员,包括ACM Computing Surveys等多个学术刊物的副主编,KDD2015等大会主席、程序委员会主席等。中科院海外评审专家、中国科学技术大学与上海交通大学客座教授,多次被上海证券交易所聘为高级金融专家。主要研究兴趣包括数据科学与大数据分析与学习、行为与社会信息学、智能体挖掘、人工智能与智能系统等,是世界上最早提出数据科学概念并集中从事数据科学与分析科学相关产学研工作的研究者之一,领导建立了世界上第一个分析学硕士与博士学位。主要兴趣包括数据挖掘与机器学习,特别是大数据中的分析与学习理论、复杂数据分析、复杂关系学习等。近20多年来,他注重从涉及民生与重大经济、社会问题中提炼具有独创性与前瞻性的研究课题,采取学科交叉、理论与实践、产学研相结合的方法,提出一系列新的研究问题与创新学术思想。他及其所领导的团队在企业级数据挖掘创新与应用方面与几十个中央与地方政府、大型企业、国际知名运营商等开展广泛与深入的合作,为相关政府和企业赢得巨大的经济与社会效益。