迄今已在IEEE和OSA杂志、国际会议上共发表超过130篇论文, 谷歌引用超过2900次,包括Photonics Research、Journal of Lightwave Technology、Optics Express等国际知名期刊和OFC、ECOC等国际Top会议。
[1]. J. Shi, W. Niu, Z. Li, C. Shen, J. Zhang, S. Yu, and N. Chi, "Optimal Adaptive Waveform Design Utilizing an End-to-End Learning-Based Pre-Equalization Neural Network in an UVLC System," J. Lightwave Technol. 41, 1626-1636 (2023).
[2]. J. Shi, Z. Xu, W. Niu, D. Li, X. Wu, Z. Li, J. Zhang, C. Shen, G. Wang, X. Wang, J. Zhang, F. Jiang, S. Yu, and N. Chi, "Si-substrate vertical-structure InGaN/GaN micro-LED-based photodetector for beyond 10 Gbps visible light communication," Photonics Res. 10, 2394-2404 (2022).
[3]. J. Shi, Z. Li, J. Jia, Z. Li, C. Shen, J. Zhang, and N. Chi, "Waveform-to-Waveform End-to-End Learning Framework in a Seamless Fiber-Terahertz Integrated Communication System," J. Lightwave Technol. 41, 2381-2392 (2023).
[4]. J. Shi, W. Xiao, Y. Ha, W. Niu, Z. Xu, O. Huang, Y. Liu, Z. Li, C. Shen, J. Zhang, J. Zhang, G. Wang, S. Yu, and N. Chi, "3.76-Gbps yellow-light visible light communication system over 1.2 m free space transmission utilizing a Si-substrate LED and a cascaded pre-equalizer network," Opt. Express 30, 33337-33352 (2022).
[5]. J. Shi, X. Fang, W. Niu, K. Li, Z. Xu, W. Meng, J. Hu, H. Su, D. Li, Y. Ma, Z. He, C. Shen, M. Gu, S. Yu, and N. Chi, "800Gbps Visible Light Communication System Employing WDM and OAM Multiplexing," in 2022 20th International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks (ICOCN), (IEEE, 2022), 1-3.