报告题目:Edge computing is a key enabler for low-latency and energy-saving networks
报告人:王礼锋博士,伦敦大学学院(UCL, University College London)电子与电气工程系
Title: Edge computing is a key enabler for low-latency and energy-saving networks
Abstract: Edge computing is an emerging service technology, which can significantly reduce the latency and energy consumption in future wireless networks (beyond 5G). The rationale behind it is that base stations/access points own the cloud computing capabilities and execute users’ computing-intensive tasks at the edge. In this talk, we focus on how to integrate the edge cloud and traditional centralized cloud computing in a cooperative manner, to further cut the latency and energy consumption. In addition, a dynamic edge computing control solution is devised by addressing the mobility issue in vehicle-to-everything (V2X) networks.
个人简介:王礼锋博士的研究领域主要集中在无线密集随机网络建模、分析、优化、信号处理和分析等,在IEEE Trans./Magazine等国际权威SCI期刊发表论文27篇(其中9篇一作,4篇通信作者,其余均为共同一作),在国际权威会议发表论文19篇(包括2篇特邀论文),截止2018年11月Google 引用率为1900+,h-index 22, SCI他引600+,5篇ESI高被引用论文。2015年10月起担任IEEE Communications Letters的编委(Editor),并在2016年和2017年连续两年被评为模范编委(10%)。